Helpful Links

Understanding the Old and New Testament Changes Between the Old and New Testament Changes Regarding the Land  Changes Regarding the Use of the Sword Changes Regarding the Temple God’s Plan for Reaching the Nations Contrasts: OT Nation and NT Communities Slavery The Paradigm Shift Liberal Theology Life on the Land Helpful Links Contact Page Statement of Faith ....... Documents & Images to Download Download God's Word ///// God Wants to Strengthen You Restoring Your Relationship with God Daily Exercises for Spiritual Renewal The Cure of Evil-Speaking, by John Wesley Half-Hearted Lovers The Christ-centered Focus of the Old and New Testament

The following is a list of useful links. Click on the titles, to go there:



ChildHope is a reliable child sponsorship ministry, founded in 1963,  that provides food, clothing and education to needy children in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Child sponsorships are available. Today, ChildHope serves nearly 100,000 children in 300 schools and projects in 21 countries throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.


"The Great Questions of Life" is a helpful series that can be downloaded at no charge, or read online.


Global Reach is a  great website to explore questions of faith and  life.



A thought provoking website which examines issues related to science, evidence for the resurrection of Christ, atheism, and other topics.


Internationally: Since Convoy of Hope was established, they have brought disaster relief, feeding programs, and various assistance projects to over 126 countries.


In the USA: In the past 25 years, Convoy of Hope has provided disaster response, conducted Community Events, and directed nutritional programs and sustainability projects in 48 states.




Links to Compassionheart articles:


Download a PDF on how to restore a relationship with God, at:

Restoring Your Relationship with God.

Download a PDF on how to receive the strength of the Lord, at: God Wants to Strengthen You.


Find out more about God's love, and His purpose for your life, by reading His Word. You can download a free New Testament as a PDF file, at:




Daily Exercises for Spiritual Renewal,  a manual for spiritual renewal, is available at Amazon as a Kindle E-book (or in paperback), at:


 E-Sword is a free downloadable app with Bible versions in various languages, as well as commentaries, dictionaries, and other helpful tools, at:
